José Rafael Striedinger

Game designer and engineer from Colombia focused on systems and storytelling. Founder of award-winning Currently in LA pursuing a Master’s at USC Games.

Crafting Gameplay and Stories under multiple challenges

Sorelle Unreal Engine 5

Sorelle – Gameplay Engineer

3D action adventure game on Unreal Engine 5 with character swapping. Developed a Ground Pound mechanic and a robust dialogue subsystem in C++ & Blueprints.


Deep World – co-creator

2D Procedural animated suspense game on Unity. I designed and developed gameplay and systems like AI, checkpoints, cinematics, and game feel (vfx, lighting, postprocessing, etc).

A Pigeon’s Tale

A Pigeon’s Tale – Engineer & Designer

3D point-and-click narrative Unity game. 2023 IndieCade’s Hidden Heroes Jam “Aesthetic” category winner. Build all the systems, mechanics and level design.

play on itchio

Early years developing the game industry in Latin America

arkde elearning by jose striedinger
ARKDE platform

ARKDE – Founder, developer, designer

In 2022 I designed and developed an eLearning platform, backed by EPIC Games MegaGrant, teaching 1.3k+ Hispanics about game programming and digital art by producing and directing 120+ hours of content with multiple instructors.

Community Builder

From 2015 to 2021, I advanced Colombia’s game industry by building a vibrant community. I founded the country’s first game development bootcamp, featuring guests like Kellee Santiago from ThatGameCompany. Through my company, I offered workshops, courses, and scholarships. Additionally, I taught game programming at top-tier universities in the country.

Experimenting with technology and narrative

Detective interrogation using ChatGPT + Oculus VoiceSDK

A paper examining how game mechanics can be designed to drive, and enhanced emotions

A Twine story based on Gary Alan Ruse short story of the same name.